:: ParamList :: exec sh.GetBlogInfo @DomainName = '.com' , @Language = 'en-US' , @BusinessUnit = 'SH' , @BlogCategory = '__ALL__' , @BlogType = 'Research' , @BlogURL = 'increase-blood-circulation-powerpulse-therapeutic-massage-shower-head' , @Brand = '__ALL__' ,
Waterpik™ PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage: Helps to Increase Surface Blood Circulation
A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effects of a Shower Device on Peripheral Blood Circulation
To determine the effects of the WaterpikTM PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage shower head on peripheral (surface) blood circulation over a base line, immediate, 15-minute, 30-minute, and 60-minute time period. This device provides a proprietary pulsating massage.
Sixty-seven (67) healthy male and female subjects, 35 – 65 years of age, with normal blood pressure were enrolled in the study. Sixty-five (65) subjects completed all phases of the study. The study was conducted under the auspices of an ethics review board.
The PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage shower head was set up in a shower spray booth system with a water heater/circulator to provide consistent testing conditions: water flow rate (40 - 45 PSI), water temperature (100 - 102°F), and distance from shower head to test site on the volar forearm.
The PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage spray was directed onto a treatment area on the inner surface of the right forearm from a consistent distance on the forearm for each subject, spraying for just 2 minutes. Blood flow in the forearm was measured at the treatment area at baseline (pre-treatment) and immediately (within 5 minutes), 15, 30, and 60 minutes post-treatment.
Immediately following the 2-minute treatment, the average blood flow in the forearm had increased nearly 6 times the baseline level. This effect was sustained for 15 minutes after treatment at 1.8 times the baseline level.
This clinical study demonstrates the massaging effect of the patented PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage shower head. It helps to increase peripheral (surface) blood flow. This effect may help induce an improved sense of well-being and healing effects in individuals who want to relax, or soothe muscle strain or soreness.

Blood Flow Measurement: Immediately After Use
Laser doppler blood flow measurement showing increased peripheral blood flow immediately after use of PowerPulse Therapeutic Massage