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Waterpik™ PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage: Helps to Increase Flexibility
A Home Use Study to Evaluate the Effects of a Shower Device on Range of Motion
To determine the effects of regular use of the PowerPulse shower head on range of motion (flexibility and mobility) in the neck, shoulders, and lower back and how it relates to subjects overall quality of life. The WaterpikTM shower head set at PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage spray was evaluated for 14 days. This device provides a proprietary pulsating massage.
Sixty-three (63) healthy male and female subjects, 26 – 68 years of age, with self-assessed muscle tension, sore muscles and/or muscle tightness in the neck and/or lower back at the screening and baseline visits were enrolled in this study. Fifty-eight (58) subjects completed all phases of the study. The study was conducted under the auspices of an ethics review board and a licensed physician.
For 3 days prior to their baseline visit, the subjects refrained from treating their discomfort, muscle tension, sore muscles or muscle tightness in any way including oral or topical medication, hot or cold packs, acupuncture, massage, etc. Subjects were instructed to use their PowerPulse Therapeutic Massage shower head in place of their regular shower head, every day for two weeks (for a total of at least 14 times). They rated their discomfort at screening, baseline, and weeks 1 and 2.
A licensed physical therapist used the Q-Rom instrument to measure the range of motion (flexibility and movement) of the neck, shoulders, and lower back of each subject at baseline (pre-treatment) and after 1 and 2 weeks of home use. Subjects completed quality of life questionnaires at baseline and at the end of the study.
After 1 and 2 weeks of regular use, 74% of the subjects with self-assessed muscle tension, soreness, or tightness exhibited improvement in range of motion in the neck. After 2 weeks of use, 71% of the subjects exhibited improvement in the flexibility of their lower back. Subjects with mild to moderate restriction of flexibility at baseline experienced greater improvement in their ability to bend and rotate their neck, lean/bend their body to one side. Flexibility and movement significantly improved in the neck and lower back areas following regular use of the shower device. The improvement was also perceived by the subjects as reflected in their lower perceived discomfort ratings and improved quality of life.
This clinical study demonstrates that the WaterpikTM PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage spray helps to increase flexibility and may help reduce neck and lower back discomfort. Additionally, it may help increase quality of life by providing a sense of well-being and vibrancy.