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Muscle Recovery: Prehab vs Rehab Tips from a Marathon Trainer
November 25, 2020
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- Relieve Soreness & Recover With Prehab Massage
- Increase Blood Flow & Reduce Inflammation with Cold vs Host Shower Massage
- Healthy & Happy Running
- Bio: John Honerkamp
As a runner for over 35 years and coaching runners for over 20 years, I have seen and had almost every running injury there is. My sport is running, and my body definitely breaks down, all the time.
Recovery is key when it comes to any sport or activity that involves the breakdown of our muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones. We spend hours upon hours stressing and testing our bodies during our training for 5K, 10K, half and full marathons or just life in general, but oftentimes we neglect the recovery piece to training-- which I feel is the most important part of training.
Relieve Soreness & Recover With Prehab Massage
Here is where prehab comes in—the more prehab we do, the less rehab we will need to do. Unfortunately, runners don’t think of prehab until after they get an injury. Massage therapy is the centerpiece of my prehab routine, and I tell all my runners to work weekly massage into their training routines. That is why I was so excited to join WATERPIK as a member of their Water for Wellness Council to be able to speak to the wellness benefits of their shower heads from a fitness perspective.
The WATERPIK PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage Shower Head is a game-changer because it makes it extremely easy and efficient to work in daily massage therapy to help you recover and stay healthy. I use this massage shower head for a few minutes each day and have noticed:
- My aches and soreness go away more quickly
- I am sidelined with injury less frequently
- I am experiencing significant knee and lower back soreness relief
Increase Blood Flow & Reduce Inflammation With Cold vs Hot Shower Massage
The WATERPIK PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage shower head works great with both hot and cold therapy.
I like to shower with hot water to help with blood flow to my trouble spots as well as relaxing all my muscle groups. I shower with cold water to help reduce inflammation. And if I have time, I’ll shower with contrast therapy--the alternating use of both cold and hot therapy.
In college, I used to take ice baths to reduce inflammation, but that’s pretty unrealistic to do at home, and I would much rather use cold water from a shower head to get to specific parts of my body. It’s a lot less painful than an ice bath, and I believe it helps your muscles more.
Healthy & Happy Running
Self-care is so important for many reasons, both mentally and physically. Using water for wellness with the WATERPIK PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage shower head has helped improve my range of motion, reduce swelling and muscle soreness, while also helping me decompress and enhance my mood. And a healthy runner is a happy runner.
Bio: John Honerkamp
John Honerkamp is known as "The Celebrity Marathon Whisperer" for good reason; he is a famed marathon runner and trainer who has coached thousands of runners at all levels, creating training plans from one mile to a marathon. He is a big proponent of exercise and wellness, specifically as it relates to total body health and recovery.
Water for Wellness Council
John is a member of our Water for Wellness Council, a group of health and wellness experts with varying expertise ranging from fitness to physical and massage therapy.