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Take Back Your Shower: 4 Reasons to Replace Your Shower Head
April 9, 2018
How old is your shower head? If yours has been hanging around the stall a while, it’s time for an upgrade. You probably haven’t thought about this much. If you’re like most people, a shower is an afterthought, a daily mundane task. You’ve gotten used to your plain old shower and don’t know how a great shower can improve mood, relieve tension, massage away aches, and more.

Here are four powerful reasons to install a replacement shower head:
- Low Water Pressure. You yearn for more power in your shower and suffer in dribbly silence because you think low water pressure is beyond your control. In truth, modern shower technology can maximize water flow to give your shower powerful kick without needing more water.
- Outdated Style. Does your dated shower head from the 1980s still work with your updated fixtures? Maybe your budget is too tight for a full remodel. A replacement shower head installs in minutes to work with new décor or add a touch of affordable style. A beautiful fixture in a beautiful bathroom is a beautiful thing.
- Tension Aches. Headaches, backaches, tight shoulders, tech neck … they’re your constant companions. A daily massage would offer great relief. How about one that fits seamlessly into your morning routine? WATERPIK replacement shower heads with PowerPulse Massage delivered twice the massage force of Moen, Delta, and other replacement shower heads in laboratory tests. That’s reason enough to kick your old shower head, and your aches and pains, to the curb.
- Lackluster Features. Your shower should offer more than “hot” or “cold” as features. Today’s replacement shower heads offer multiple spray settings, adjustable height, water conservation, different and powerful massages, and so many other fresh features. You shower every day. Every. Single. Day. Shouldn’t those precious 10 minutes be enjoyable?
One Word: Ahhh-mazing!
Better yet, those 10 minutes could be amazing. You’re probably thinking that you haven’t thought about this before. You’re probably thinking that your plain old shower has just been there, spraying you and doing its own thing for a long, long time. Well, it’s time to take back your shower. A shower can – and should – be the best part of your day.
With a variety of styles and configurations to choose from, there’s a WATERPIK shower head waiting to rejuvenate and reinvigorate you.
Take Back Your Shower with a WaterpikTM Replacement Shower Head
WATERPIK replacement shower heads with PowerPulse Massage do more than update and stylize your shower. They help you relax, refresh, and rejuvenate the body and mind. Check out the many hand held, fixed mount, rain, and dual spray models available from WATERPIK. Replace and rejoice! It’s time to take back your shower.